Wednesday 15 October 2014

GROUP: Concept Update, Class discussion and Pitch

  • After discussions surrounding our narrative as a group we were able to establish a framework around the song lyrics in order to start to build upon the detail of our concept. We recognised that the song could be split into three sections, within each section the beat and rhythm of the song would go from a steady mellow tone before a gradual quickening of pace leading into an energetic segment. 
  • Once we had identified this trend we used it for the basis of the tempo and line of action for our plot. We divided the narrative into three chapters in three different locations that we felt were best at creating an aesthetic visual layout and that were all inherently different from one another. 
  • These being a field scene, a beach scene and a firework display in this order. We decided upon this framework as we felt the mood of each of these locations gets gradually more energetic and visually stimulating. The field being a very still and peaceful location, the beach being a juxtaposing of the movement of the see and the stillness of the beach its self creating a middle ground and the climax of the fireworks in which our story comes to its happy ending of the two protagonists finding one another. 
  • We split each of these chapters into reality and conceptual sections based on the change of tempo and rhythm.
  • We were also able to source our girl character for the piece, Max's friend Eloise was offered the part based on her style and her screen presence that we had witnessed in other videos she had been involved in. We are very excited that she has accepted the role which will lead us to focusing on important planning aspects from here on in.
  • This week in particular has been very important and busy for the group as we have been planning and producing our pitch as a team, dividing up tasks between us and working towards creating a presentation that will allow our audience to fully envisage our concept. 
  • Within this time we have also started putting into practice various aspects of colour grading that we have focused on towards creating the videos visual style and the separation between the protagonists reality and conceptual presence. These techniques have been done on stills in Photoshop using selection, curves, colour enhancement, masks and various other tools in order for us to adapt and replicate them in After effects.

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