Tuesday 25 November 2014

GROUP: Digipak initial ideas

For our digipak and promotional campaign we will use a 4 pane album as well as a portrait and landscape advertisement which will feature within NME Magazine, both of which will be half pages. Our group all felt this magazine would be most appropriate as it features smaller more alternative bands and is appropriate for the band's existing audience and fan base, the band have also featured within this magazine on numerous occasions, so clearly this is an appropriate choice in order to target their existing and similar audience.  We also want to ensure all of our promotional campaigns and digipak conform to the band's established and cohesive style, so colour scheme and effects will need to be carefully considered.

These are some initial "mock-up" ideas for our digipak. The 4 images below are ideas for the front pane of our 4 pane album. It is an image we took during one of our shoots and features the female character from our narrative story line. We wanted to edit our digipak to conform to the band's cohesive style.

These ideas have been edited to heavily enhance and saturate the colours creating a surreal and more alternative image which we felt was suited to our video idea with the dream like line of action in conjunction to the realistic line of action. But we felt that the "cut-out" effect did not conform to the band's style and is perhaps more of an effect to use within the promotional advertising campaign

We then chose some appropriate images for our digipak and started to edit them on Adobe Photoshop, we mainly wanted to change the saturation, brightness and contrast of the images so we started by changing the brightness and contrast. We wanted the colours to be more vibrant, more like the dream like sequence within our piece.

We also experimented with the saturation, again this was  to achieve our desired colour scheme.

This is the first design for our digipak. We designed the front pane in a similar style to their existing album covers, adopting similar font and positioning of text which is often in the corners of the album. There is also an occurrence of band absence so we have chosen within this design not to include the band members, but to focus more on the artistic representation within the video and lyrics, which is also more common within this genre of music, there is less construction of "star image" which is common within more mainstream and industrial artists such as Beyonce or One Direction.

The layout of our proposed idea also helps to reinforce the construction of meta-narrative which we have attempted to construct within our video. This is done by depicting each character from our narrative story line by themselves in shot, emphasizing the feeling of isolation and loneliness which had been common throughout our constructions and is a key theme in the lyrics of the song.

1 comment:

  1. lovely, well considered print ideas, I agree that the front cover image is better without the filter
